Eagle's Fare Restaurant is nestled in the beautiful Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden. Botanical gardens are living museums and the Walter Sisulu National Botanical Garden is no exception - the Witpoortjie Waterfall is a magnificent backdrop to the splendid gardens filled with indigenous plants and the residence of the only Black (Verreaux) Eagle breeding pair in an urban area in the world.

Together with his BEE C.C. partners, Amiel van den Berg opened Eagle's Fare - the restaurant in the garden - in August 2004.

The building of the restaurant, Random Harvest Nursery and the Isitiya Gift & Book Shop was the first phase of the Tourism Poverty Relief Fund project that was completed in October 2004.  The aim of this project, funded by the Departments of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, was to provide work for local unemployed and unskilled people by developing facilities for an ever-increasing number of visitors and tourists to the garden. 

In memory of Grannie

Our beloved colleague, who fought with such strength for almost 3 years, left her earthly home on Tuesday 28 November 2017.

For 12 years Grannie quietly led from behind, mentoring all the young ones, always encouraging, smiling.

Her faith, courage and determination are just some of the lessons she left us with.

Her laughter and imense sense of humour will be with us always - colleagues and patrons alike.

Trynco Malan van Roodepoort word 100


Trynko Malan het op 1 April 2013, 100 jaar geword en was deel van 'n stapgroep.  'n Paar maande later, is Oom Trynko na 'n skielike siekbed oorlede, maar hy is altyd by ons nog elke Dinsdag as sy vrou, Tannie Anna en die stapgroep, ons besoek.  Die stapgroep besoek die Botaniese tuin vanaf 1995 en bestaan uit ongeveer 10 mense, almal afgetredenes, sommige waarvan reeds oorlede is en nuwes bygekom het.


Aanvanklik het Trynko saam gestap, maar nadat sy knie probleme gegee het, het hy op ons aanbeveling 'n "mobility scooter" gekoop.  Sy geheue was altyd nog baie goed en hy kon gedigte uit sy kop opsê.


Voordat die huidige restourant gebou is, was daar op die plek van die Strelitzia saal 'n kiosk, met 'n paar stoele onder die bome.  Die stappers kon daar iets drink en in die winter was daar sop en 'n broodjie.  Libby, van die arende-faam, het die kiosk beman.  Terwyl die restourant gebou is, het Trynko die ontwikkeling weekliks dopgehou, 'n opening gesoek of gemaak om te loer.  Hy is dus van die eerste besoekers van die restourant.





In memory of Tineke

Our beloved colleague, who fought with such strength for almost 6 years, left her earthly home on Friday 21 Jan 2011.

Tineke did not follow the path that led, she instead went where there was no path and left a trail.

And in the end, it was not the years in her life that counted - it was the life in her years.

We cherish the memories of her laughter, jokes, busyness, the nick-names she had for us all, her faith and most of all, the joy she brought into Eagle's Fare and especially into our lives - colleagues and patrons alike.

We shall miss her dearly!

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